Professional Services Program for Cities and Nonprofits
Lack of Affordable Professional Services
Is a major issue for small cities and nonprofits. Our professional services will give you the added boost you need to be successful. As a charity, we seek to deliver the most value possible with limited resources and our service charges associated with these services are predictable and reasonable. Service contracts can be ongoing or job specific. Your customized service contract can include any or all of the following services:

Strategic Plan and Comprehensive Plan Development
City Council and Board of Director Training
Long-Term Financial Plans and Analysis
Budget and Annual Report Preparation
Capital Improvement Plans
Urban Renewal Plans
Housing Assessments
Slum and Blight Plans
Utility Rate Studies
Policy Development: Governing Body, Financial, Procurement, Personnel, and others.
Management, Human Resources, and Operational Consulting
Employee Search
Employee Investigations
Project Coordination
Grant Writing and Administration
City Clerk and Finance Officer Training
Sewer and Water Operator Training/Operator by Affidavit Services